Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What the Heck!! (post script)

In the next post you will read about my thoughts from December 16, 2009 as a new owner of a motor scooter in Taiwan. Now that it has been another 8 months let me update you on my adaptation to this aspect of Taiwan life.

Taiwan people in cafe's, on the sidewalk and other places are kind and generous. On the street on their scooters or in their cars....... well, that's a completely different story.

People in Jhongli are freakin' maniacs on the road!! I've been run off the road by a taxi, my first and hopefully last crash on brutus. But the number of near misses, because I got cut off, or they stopped suddenly, or I stopped because the traffic cop signaled to stop but no one else did, so I almost got hit, AGAIN, by a damn bus that screeched to a halt because I stopped and he wasn't going to. DUDE!!! The cop signaled to stop! Don't look at me like I'm crazy!!!! (and thank you Jesus for stopping the bus.)

I know there are indeed traffic laws in Taiwan, but they seem more for reference, guidelines if you will, no actual hard and fast rules or laws with enforcement.

Have I become a crazy Taiwan driver... well, not yet. Am I more comfortable than I was 8 months ago and drive differently, YES. Do I take foolish chances, NO. Do I curse a lot, yes. Do I still thank God every night when I say my prays that I travelled safely, you bet I do.

If you want to do something foolish on your motorbike, its stupid but your right I suppose, but you DO NOT have the right to put my life and safety at risk. That's all I'm sayin'. If you must be stupid and dangerous, try not to do it around me.

I'm old enough to realize I'm mortal.


What the Heck!!

Where in the World is D Today?

Contemplating the extinction of Dinosaurs and Survival of the fittest.

(I orignally wrote this on December 16, 2009 and forgot to post it. I actually said "what the heck" out loud a few moments ago when I found it.)

Let me first begin with, I believe completely and without reservation, that God created the heavens and the earth. No doubt in my mind at all. So let's take that off the table. But I also know there is some scientific evidence that some species have indeed developed, adapted, changed, dare I even say "evolved" over time. I don't know enough about the science of it to speak as an authority. I'm clearly NOT. If I were to combine the two ideas of creation and the idea of survival of the fittest, I would have to quote the comedian Katt Williams when he spoke about the guy who got killed in a tigers cage at the zoo. "If you are an adult, and If you get killed by a Tiger, And you get killed by a tiger in a zoo, AND you get killed inside the tigers cage at the zoo, Then I think God's will has been done for your life." (Think about that for a minute or two before you read on.)

Some things are naturally easy for me; for example dancing. Some things are naturally difficult; for example swimming, and mathematics. And some things I can learn to be competent at inspite of the difficulty; for example learning Chinese. Note I didn't say I was the best dancer or fluent in Chinese. I said it came naturally or I could be competent. The difficult things, well if I had to swim farther than 30 meters or do Calculus to save my life, start making the funeral arrangements. I physically can not manage swimming well. I've tried to learn to swim and I'm just really, really bad at it.

Now I find myself on the streets of Taiwan on a motorscooter. I am not culturally suited for it. We love our cars in the U.S.A. BUT I do have enough eye hand coordination and sense of balance that I am becoming more and more competent at it. Will I ever drive like a Taiwan person who probably quite literally grew up on a scooter? Not likely. I am less nervous today than I was 2 weeks ago. My senses, especially visual, have gotten sharper. I see things more clearly now and my reaction to them is quicker. A good way to describe it is when I first began to ride, everything seemed a little out of focus because there was so much new information being processed. Now, it's the same in formation, but now, it is all in focus. I am in essense becoming more fit for survival. I'm adapting.

So what does this have to do with the extinction of dinosaurs? Well, there is a body of evidence that supports a huge event, such as a large meteor crashing into the earth, that in essence caused the dinosaurs to die. In short, adaptation had nothing to do with it. The dinosaurs were doing just fine. They were minding there own business, when this huge thing falls out of the sky and wreaks havoc in the dinosaur world. Talk about having a bad day. Try having a meteor fall on you while you're eating a tree for lunch.

My ultimate point here is that none us are entirely insulated from the winds of chance. I can learn to drive my motorbike safely and effeciently. But you never know when an idiot is going into a tigers cage. Bad drivers don't only exist in Taiwan. Where ever there's a motor vehicle and a person in the world, there's going to be "those" drivers.

I still believe in the basic goodness of people, but I trust more in the hedge of protection that so many pray for on my behave. In either case, I'm gonna be OK on my scooter, and my feet don't hurt as much!

Good Luck
