Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friendship Stew

Friendships can be like a good stew. And with every good stew you need good stock. There's the chopping and mixing, seasoning, boiling, tasting and waiting. Then when you're ready to eat, it taste good, but gets even better with time.

If you read my friend Greta's blog "Life as g" ( you would see our friendship sprinkled in here and there. I like to think I'm a special ingredient in her friendship/blog stew. She would say "real special" with a wink and a nudge. This is my first time mentioning her on mine.

Greta has been staying in Tim's room during the campaign. She is also volunteering for the Obama campaign. She is from KC, but has adopted Columbia as her own. Columbia was hand made for Greta. I've been here 15 yrs. and it's a hoot experiencing it through her eyes!

She's good and kind and has a hearty laugh! Our stew tastes better all the time as our different textures and nuances steep in this friendship pot. It continues to grow and develop in spite of the fact the we each wants to club the other with a rubber mallet at some point during the day.

Enough for now. I just wanted to introduce Greta to you, because my journey over the next several months probably won't be able to be told without a mention here and there.

So if you need to ask Where in the World is D. Just ask Greta, she'll probably know.

1 comment:

Life As g said...

You make my soul smile....

I would like to think I am the spicey ingredient in the stew. But we both know that wouldn't be true. But more than that, I would rather be the boring ol' stock. It's not very exciting, but you just can't make stew without it. It is the one ingredient that must always be present.

And that is what I hope to always be in your life: consistently present.