Where in the World is D today?
Pondering the baggage in our lives.
At the end of my entry Love Lost and Sought, I said I would write more on this subject. This is partially in response to a nasty email from the subject of that post. But the bigger and main part of this post comes from something I've wondered about for so very long. Is it possible for me and all my baggage to find someone who's baggage matches mine?
I am a thinker. I am a processor. You could call me many things, but impetuous would not be one of them. I try to see the big picture and take time to pause and reflect before reacting. Then I try my best to choose my word carefully when I speak. Words are so very powerful. "Stick and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is a LIE. Broken bones mend. Words break our hearts, our spirits. Those don't mend as well.
I wonder is it there somebody out there who is a thinker and processor like myself. Someone who's baggage matches mine. Someone who keeps commitments (following through simply because you gave your word.) Someone who will pause and response versus seeing and reacting. Responding and reacting are very different. Someone who can share emotions without becoming overly emotional. Someone who won't forget everything that they know or thought they knew about me as a kind and gentle person who's number one rule (I actually keep a list in my wallet.) is Never do anything with the purpose of hurting another person. I really do try to live that way, but I'm human and do make mistakes. So I wonder....
I'd like to say that it is just the difference between men and women, but it's not that simple. I've had men say some incredibly hurtful things too.
Or maybe I really am.. Selfish, Insensitive, Stupid, Ugly, Oreo, Ignorant, Mean, Dumb, Racist, Going to Hell, Easy Prey, Destined to be alone forever. (These comments can be attributed to friends and lovers alike.)
Maybe they're right. I do know that each comment was INTENDED to hurt.
But....Opinions vary.
To be continued.....