Where in the World is D Today?
Shaking his head in utter Shock!
Have you ever had one of those moments when you see something that just makes you stop in your tracks in utter amazement. Sometimes your response is, "Whoah, that was cool." or "Hmmmm, that's odd. What's that doing here." This morning I was walking along, down a path I'd never been before on a trip to take a special picture for Greta, I saw this ...... this thing.... and was utterly shocked! I wasn't even a whole block from my apartment. I thought I knew my area well enough. I'm not sure what to say about the picture at the bottom of this post. What difference would any righteous indignation make? None really... But I will offer a few balanced words.
Anybody who says the Civil War wasn't about Slavery is writing a bit of revisionist history.
The United States of America with it's broad freedoms is the only place on where the losing side would still be allowed to fly its flag. That's good. (broad freedoms) And Bad. (flying the losing flag.)
That's really all I have to say specifically about this symbol. But I do have questions. There is a story to be told here; questions to be answered. First of all, how did it get HERE?! Is the owner an American citizen? Is it a Taiwanese person who just thought it was cool? Or Maybe a Taiwanese person who has some odd connection or attraction with this? I don't know and I don't want to know. Remember my post Knock, Knock?? Do I Really want to know. In my case ignorance is bliss. I'm ain't knocking on the devils door!I don't want nor do I need to know. Ignorance on their part is.... well.... well just tragic.

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