Saturday, August 21, 2010

Letter to Lisa part 1

Letter to Lisa, Part 1
The 15 Minute Girlfriend.
Dateline: the end of February

Dear Lisa,

I made it back to Taiwan safely. If you ever come to visit, take Eva Airline, they’re great!!!

Some parts of this story is rated somewhere between PG13 and NC17. You can decide if you want Kurt to read it. haha

On my way back I really looked forward to seeing my friends, but one in particular. (While I am very confident she will not be reading this blog, I’ll change her name to …. Hmmmm Nancy.) Nancy is from Thailand. I actually showed you a very unflattering picture of her when I was home. In person she’s REALLY cute. When I was home there was nothing more than friendship between us, but deep, deep, deep, deep down (OK, maybe not that deep), I hoped it might be more in the future. So after I got back, I said why not give it a shot. There seemed to be some interest on her part. Her English wasn’t great, but good enough. I gave up on trying to learn Thai about 20 minutes into trying.

After a little effort things seemed to be going in a positive direction. Then “IT” happened. Wink, wink .. When I saw her naked, I wanted to salute the flag of Thailand, and the sex definitely made me want to defect!! It was one of those rare occasions were fantasy and reality collide. It took about a gallon of orange juice, 12 hours of sleep and a half bottle of ibuprofen to recover. In all seriousness, Nothing can make a smart man stupid faster than a hot woman….. and sports. But my daddy didn’t raise no fools, OK!

I’ve always been the type of guy who gives his heart too easily, but I’m not a young man any more so the giving of my heart is always tinged with caution. Living as a foreigner who makes well above the average Taiwan salary, I have to be careful. There’s a line from a Kanye West song that applies here, “I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger…” But better safe than sorry.

It quickly became clear our relationship was… very complex in it’s simplicity. We talked a lot about home, family.. you know all the stuff people talk about when getting to know each other. But as you peel away the layers it came down to she liked my wallet and I liked her body. On days when I was going to see her, I took my vitamins and she made room in her purse. Thus the relationship lasted a metaphorical 15 minutes. A fool and his money are soon parted. Well remember, my daddy didn't raise no fools.

At the end we both called no harm, no foul. No hard feeling for either of us. We both got what we wanted out of the relationship such as it was. I actually ran into not long ago. It was a cordial friendly meeting. I was glad about that, but double checked if I still had my wallet when I walked away. :-)

There’s actually a Taiwanese woman I like quite a lot, but I don’t think I’m in her league. I’ll keep you posted. Until then..


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