Monday, February 9, 2009

My 1st movie in Taiwan

02.08.2009 11:07p.m.

Where in the World is D Today?

Watching the movie 7 Pounds, Again.

I am a Will Smith fan and do not particularly like Leonardo DiCaprio. But tonight I wanted to see Revolutionary Road, mostly because Kate Winslet is nominated for an Oscar. So, much to my shagrin, after the preview the Will Smith movie starts. What?! Am I in the wrong theater? After a double check of the ticket, I am indeed in the right place. You mean I just spent $275 dollars to see the wrong fricken movie?! I seriously need to learn Chinese. I think the kid at the ticket booth was new. He was struggling with more than English. So when I spoke English, he gave me a flyer and asked me to point. I must have pointed in Really Bad Chinese, because I got the wrong ticket. Oh Well, such is life. It’s part of this grand adventure I’m on. I’ll give it another try tomorrow. There is one major distinction I must point out about Taiwanese theaters. When you buy a ticket, you get an assigned seat! I thought that was kinda cool. But I had a really good seat. I may feel different the next time.

While waiting I met a young couple, high schoolers, on their first date. They were really cute, especially the guy. What get my attention was the boy was wearing a hate that said, “Player Forever”. DUDE! NOT ON THE FIRST DATE! Especially when she speaks better English than you, which was the case tonight. A rookie mistake. He introduced her as his “girlfriend”. That was kinda smooth even though she totally rejected it. I could tell that she liked him but was gonna make him work for it. I guess some things are the world over. The cat and mouse / mating dating rituals are the same. Can a brotha get an Amen!? This was also the first time I didn’t have my camera in my pocket in three days. I wish I could have gotten their picture. They made a cute couple.

Other events of the day included: making dirty clothes clean. Laundry mats are the same all over too. It was closer to $300 though, because the dryers were not terribly efficient. Got hit up for change for the first time by a dude on the street and I found the Carefour.

It was a full day.

I walk everywhere and am getting an ever-so-slightly better sense of my surroundings. The one caveat with walking everywhere is my feet,shins, and knees hurt a lot these days. Every surface I live on is Hard. No carpeting anywhere. I hope my body will adjust in time versus breaking down in time. Breaking down would be..... bad. I tried to buy some more comfortable shoes over the weekend, but it seems all the men in Taiwan have feet the same size as my sister. My feet are much larger and the only thing this particular store had in my size looked like something my dad would wear. I love my dad dearly, but I'm not going there just yet! There are shoe stores everywhere, I will eventually find something in my size that is less geriatric.

Sorry no pictures. More to come again soon.



Life As g said...

If you had a DANG ADDRESS, maybe you'd have some Saucony's on the way.... :-/

iNsIDE cHinO's HeAd said...

I am still a bit confused when you place price on things. Your laundry was three hundred dollars or three dollars? $300 or $3.00?

Where in the World is D? said...

Chino - In Taiwan, all the money is in Dollars and the value is VERY low. So.. When I said it cost me $300 dollars it $300 NT (Taiwan Dollars). In U.S. dollars it would be roughly $6.00 U.S. dollars. Also they do not have Cents. So you would not see anything like $50.12. I Spent over $1000 NT on some groceries on Sunday. It's still a bit of a shock when I pay for things.

Thanks for your interest!!!

Ruth Ann said...

D, Here's another GREAT movie - THE READER. We saw it at RagTag last week. Good luck on your next selection!

iNsIDE cHinO's HeAd said...

Ok. That cleared things up :)