2009.04.08 23:44PM
Where in the World is D Today?
Trying to find a way to say, "I am fed up with stupid, arrogant white people" and NOT sound like a Racist Wanker.
I am not going to attempt to try and preface what is about to follow with any type of semantic prophylactic to justify my statement about. It is what it is. (Sorry Greta, I know you hate that phrase.) I will make a quote from the movie The Barbershop though, "Is this the Barbah shop?! If we cain't talk straight in the Barbahshop, where can we say it?!" This is my Barbah shop! (If you're Taiwanese, ask me to explain it later. It will make more sense in person.)
There have been three places where I can answer the question, "How was your day?" with the following statement, "Mannnnn,(insert a heavy sigh) these people." Those three places are my house, the Barbershop and Church. What is in the sigh is experiential. You would have had to live through some of the indignities that comes with being Black in a world where white folk are running everything. That was my life growing up in the U.S.A. during the 60's, 70's, etc. I am just old enough to remember some pretty things in America. But having said that, I have a WONDERFUL life. This is not a rant on oppression from previous generations. No, this is a rant about moving to another country, Taiwan. I can not say enough how much I love Taiwan and it's people. I have made wonderful and what I am sure will be lifelong friendships.
What I'm talking about is living in Taiwan and still getting treated like I'm invisible and meaningless by white people. How Crazy is that?! (Actually, if you think it through to its logical conclusion, if there is a group of people who are convinced that they are superior in their home country, they are likely to think they are superior everywhere in the world.) It dawned on me last night as I walked down the street and tried to give a friendly smile, a gentle gesture to say, "Hello fellow traveler, I hope you're having a find day and that you are safe and well so far from home." and in return being completely ignored or dismissed is quite annoying. To have someone look right at you at completely ignore you or to make eye contact and then have them look away is an interesting social occurrence. I'm afraid I've seen that look before. This isn't something I've imagined. I've seen it my whole life at various points in one form or another. And I have to say, I really do not understand that mind set.
I also made the mistake early on in my experience here in assuming that if I saw a non-Taiwanese face, it was American. That's not true. Western looking do NOT = the U.S. So forget the phrase Ugly American. It's Ugly Westerner.
(Warning: Here comes the "making nice" part.) Having said all of that, have I had wonderful relationships with white people. Of course! And though it is cliched, My Best friends in the U.S. are white. (Boy! This is a really complicated blog entry. Bear with me, I'm almost done.) If you know anything about me and my life at all or if you've kept up or read now any of this blog, you know you could call me many things, but racist ain't one of them.
Remember I mentioned taking a walk last night, well as I walked I met for the FIRST TIME in my nine weeks here, White Westerners who
initiated contact with me and were friendly and gracious. It was two young men that were Mormons, RLDS, (I'll explain that one later too.) So, I know there are some westerners here who are not snotty. Score 2 for the Latter Day Saints. Your stock just went up considerably with me!
So...... to close, if you're a westerner here in Taiwan and you happen to see a Black guy desperately trying to make a connection through facial expressions, give a brotha a head nod for pete's sake!
(I know all of that was a meandering ti raid, thanks for hanging in there with me while I got that bad ju ju out of my head. I promise to write something lighter next time.)