Monday, April 13, 2009

Some Quit Thoughts AND PICTURES!

2009.02.13 19:50

Where in the World is D Today?

Just Chillin'.

The gym was closed today so this is the perfect time to catch up on stuff I haven't put on the blog because it wasn't monumental. But I know even the most pedestrian event to me can be really fun for someone else. So let me catch you up on ..... stuff.

I was out and about with my camera on Saturday and who did I see?!... That Crazy Taiwanese Dog (TCTD). Today he was on the sidewalk chillin'...., licking his butt (as Always).....
I think this dog needs a name, something other than TCTD. If you have any suggestion please leave one in the comments.

so Hey! why not get a picture?!

Also on Saturday (April 11) I stopped by Starbucks to have lunch with Shaq and Pie. I hadn't seen them in several days. After lunch, which was yummy, we were studying at Starbucks, of course, and I put up a few posts for the blog. Shaq had to go, but Cindy came in shorty after. I noticed her new hairdo and thought it was pretty. It turns out that Cindy, Pie and I all had new hair cuts. Cindy will ALWAYS be the prettiest one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YOU MAY CALL TATD AS 小黑(Little Black)(It might be the most common name for a black dog here in Taiwan).
