In the Movie Theater.
(These pics are not from my Birthday. I didn't take any, I just didn't think of it. But I will try to get a better one and pretend it is my bday.)
For as long as I can remember, I have gone to see a movie on my birthday. It's one of the few traditions I adhere to somewhat religiously. I love going to the movies and my birthday is always around that first week of the beginning of the summer blockbuster season. And most importantly, I've always seen a movie WITH someone. That's important to note. It traditionally is Sean and or Tim or both. Well gosh, I'm in another country for for my birthday for the first time in my life. I've only been here a short time and don't know that many people And then there's the issue of people are busy (even my Starbucks buddies) and then there's the unfortunately timing of my birthday being in the middle of the week. Add to that I am just not the type to beg people to hang out with me because its my birthday. It is my nature to be much more low key about my birthday. The fact that I put happy birthday to me on my Facebook was major departure from my typical Modus Operandi. . So what am I to do? Take a chance and ask someone to go to the movies with me. Not going to the movies on my birthday is just unacceptable. So....
I asked Jane. I know Jane from Elementary School and from the gym. She has a tiny body and a huge wonderful laugh. To be perfectly honest, I think my invitation freaked her out a little bit. People here usually celebrate birthdays in groups. So here is this foreigner guy asking her to the movies for his birthday, ALONE. She graciously accepted and skipped going to the gym so I didn't have to spend my birthday alone.
So if you happen to run into Jane, give her a wink and nod, and tell her she did a good thing.
I have one more very important part of my birthday, but it is very late and I MUST go to sleep. Trust me, it is WORTH the Wait. (I will call it birthday Part 3)
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