Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts at 45KPM

Where in the World is D Today?

Cruisin', Thinking, talking to Brutus.

Here are some recent thoughts I've had on while traveling from here to there.

"This is kinda FUN."

"Are you serious?!"


"Dude! Why did you buy me if you're going to walk?" "Shut up, sometimes I like to walk, OK?"

"I'm really glad I have a full face visor!"

"Shit, the visor fogged up I can't see!"

"How did my hands get so dirty? Now I see while Will washes his hands every morning when he comes in."

"Darryl, don't be so nice. You're gonna cause an accident. Just Go!"

"Hmm, never been in a traffic jam on the sidewalk before. Oh Crap! Sorry!"

"Woah! Where did that come from?!"

"Mad props to women in a skirt and pumps! This is difficult enough in jeans and sneakers."

"Jack, there's a problem with my motorbike." (Jack showed up 20 minutes later. The speedometer cable broke and was hanging off. He couldn't fix it then. So we went and had a beer. I walked home for the record. I DO NOT drink and drive. Not even 1!)

"When did he come fix it?!" (I opened up my motorbike seat to discover a note on my helmet. Jack came to my school. Picked up my bike, took it to his shop, fixed it, and brought it back. JACK IS MY BOY!!!!)

"OMG, it's so freakin' cold! My hands are frozen!"

"I'm glad Jack put new tires on this thing"

"I should have walked. Brutus you're to fat for me to park in this space."

"OUCH!! Son of a .....!" (My foot slipped when I was putting Brutus up on the kick stand. My left foot ended up Under the kick stand with the full weight the bike on my toes.)

"OK, crashing into the 7-11 would be bad!"

"A parking space by the gate of my apartment. SWEET!"

"Rode to work, the Supermarket, a restaurant for dinner and back home without dying. I think I can do this!"



1 comment:

LeoTheLioness said...

Some of that sh*t is funny as hell!
Classic D all the way. I LOVE IT!