Saturday, August 21, 2010

Letters to Lisa

The next series of post will be dedicated to my friend Lisa.

I know there are different people who like to read the blog, so they can keep up with me. But when I was home in January, Lisa, more than anyone, encouraged me to keep up the blog. She wanted vicariously in Taiwan through me. Well… if you've read the blog in the past, you know I have been terrible at keeping up the blog this year.

I didn’t write for a long time simply because it just was not safe for me to do. “People” were reading my blog and giving me no peace. It caused more grief than it was worth to me. So for my own sanity, I went quiet.

Now, I’m more comfortable writing and every time I think of the blog, I think of Lisa and feel a little guilty for not writing. So Lisa, this is for you…. Let us begin.

Part 1, the 15 minute girlfriend.......

1 comment:

MysteryJ said...

WOW, I think the computer is steaming. This sounded like a good thing and very needed....and very hot!