Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Truth or A Reasonable Lie

Where in the World is D Today?

I have no idea.

This will be short, I think. There are three versions of "the truth". There is 1) My Truth, 2) Your Truth, 3) The Real Truth. (I can always tell you what I really think. But I don't think you really want to know. So I tell you a reasonable lie. Something close to but not actually MY truth and keeps YOU happy at the same time.)

Truth's number 1 and 2 are subjective. Based on our own perspective and life experience. What's true for you may not necessarily be true for me.

So what is the REAL TRUTH, not based on my or your opinion and perspective......?

I was thinking of this as I walked to work. Right now, I am not in the greatest place emotionally. I was searching my head and knowledge for something that was Universally TRUE without subjectivity for EVERY person on the earth. I could only come up with this in my 10 minute walk.

THIS, I know to be true for EVERYONE. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If that ceases to exist, WE ALL just had a VERY... BAD.... day.

At the end I usually say Peace. I can't today or any more. I have none. I haven't for a long time, even before I came to Taiwan. Hoped to find some here. Doesn't look like it's gonna happen. So I will say... simply...

Good Luck


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were having one of "those" days. Well, I guess as long as they remain the exception rather the rule, you'll be ok.... Just thought I'd take a minute to share what a blessing I received this past summer from participating in a teaching series called "The Truth Project". You sound like you could use a dose of blessing too. Check out and see if there's a way for you to plug in. I know you know the Real Truth, but we all need a refresher sometimes, and this one was exceptional, and timely. Talk back; I'll do my best to reciprocate.
Best, Darlene