Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin is MY BOY again!

When President Bush first took office almost 8 years ago, suffice it to say I was seriously bummed. The one ray of hope I had was Colin Powell was in his administration.

I, like so many others, admired Mr. Powell for his knowledge, experience, but above all his honesty. While I was disappointed in some of his positions, especially some those on racial and social issues, I dug the fact that was a straight shooter. (And while I disagreed at that time on those issues, appreciated his position because I once held the same positions. So I really understood what he was saying.)

The he made that speech to the U.N. endorsing and justifying why we needed to attack Iraq. I didn't trust the president any farther that I could throw Warren Sapp, but I did trust Colin Powell. He wasn't a war hawk and if he said, it must be true. Well we all know how that story ends. No weapons of mass destruction and me and many others feeling like we had been duped and betrayed by that last good guy.

Today Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President. And! Simultaneously threw John McCain, Sarah Palin and the Republican party under a very large and swift moving bus! He has switched parties. He says he's still a Republican, but in short, just can't take it anymore. That is just CLASSIC!!

Ya think John McCain was making some angry faces at the debates. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he got that news!!

A new day is coming! Yeah for us.

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