Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Is God a Repulican or a Democrat?

I've heard this question asked every four years just like clock work. The gears of the clock is the election of a President for the United States of America. Strangely I hadn't heard the question from anyone until I heard the sound of my own voice asking.

Today I opened an email from my very good and dear friend Mike the Republican. He truly is my good and most dear friends. I was even best man at his wedding! Mike and I loved and nurtured each other through some very trying times in each others life. But every once in a while he says or does something that makes me want to shake the hell out of him.

The subject of today's email, a forward, was a one minute prayer. While it didn't say specifically McCain is good and Obama is evil, the author of the was concerned that Christian might not vote "Christian Values". I seriously snapped when I read that part as well as the Bible quote that followed. My response was, "I pray fervently, I vote Christian Values, AND I volunteer full time for the Barack Obama campaign."

The daring part here is that I replied to all. It's was a list of maybe 15 people. I don't usually go picking fights with people, but Mike drew first blood. He knows me well enough to know my politics. It's hard for me to believe there wasn't a hidden agenda in sending it to me. Thus, I fully expect my email to just blow up tomorrow. That's OK. It's something we should discuss. I just hope we can discuss it in a civil and dare I say christian way.

By the way, the question never gets answered. Personally I think God thinks it's a dumb question.

1 comment:

Life As g said...

God certainly thinks it is completely irrelevant!

But I would tell you the same thing I have always told my kids: Never argue with an idiot.

Not that Mike the Republican is an idiot (...just realized I was talking to Mr. Literal...) But that sometimes people are SURE their side is right and will not, under any circumstance, move from it or hear another point of view. Sometimes it has to be good enough to know in your own mind and heart what is sound.

Never argue with an idiot.