Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am a Born Again Believer too

In my last post I used the phrase "the so-called Christian Right". I get so frustrated with fundamentalist Christians. I hate using the term "they" but it's the best one I've got at the moment, but "They" seem to think they've got the corner on Christianity. My biggest beef is that if I support Barack Obama, and I do, I can't be a Christian too. Well I am.

There has been so much hatred, venom, and lies to come from the Christian Right that it makes me embarrassed to use the term. Christ was all about Loving others. So take the plank out of your own eye before you look for the speck in an others.

Let me say here for all to read and know. I support Barack Obama because he is honest and true. He sees a need for a course correction in the U.S. Our nation has become poorer in the past 8 years. Poorer in its standing in the world as well as in our pocket books. We've become poorer because too many have believed that if someone is different they are to be feared. To say that we are not a christian nation is saying that America is made up of many different faiths. And in this country you have the freedom to worship as you please. Nothing more, nothing less. Regardless of the principles the country may have been founded on. The over arching principle is Freedom from excessive government interference in our personal lives.

Senator Obama is Not a Muslim, though it shouldn't matter if he were. He does Not believe in abortion. He believes that a woman should make that decision with her doctor, her mate and her own faith beliefs. That is not an endorsement of abortion. This is also my personal belief. I deplore abortion but, it's NOT my place to even suggest to any woman what to do with her body that I'm not married to.

The Christian Right says it doesn't want "Activist Judges" legislating from the Supreme Court. But it wants Judges that will over turn Roe v. Wade. That by definition is legislating from the bench. Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 30+ years like it or not. To over turn that precedent IS legislating from the bench. The right wants less government everywhere except for in our bedrooms. That's a bunch of bull. (Sorry for the harsh language.);)

I was even in a Sunday School class were many people said you couldn't be a Christian and a Democrat. I quietly got up and left. No love of Christ there.

So if you are my brother or sister in Christ. Love me as such. Love Mr. Obama as such. You can do that and still not agree with his or my politics. Why? Because Christ himself told us to.

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