Monday, June 1, 2009

Going To Bed With A Smile On My Face

Where in the World is D Today?

Preparing for Sweet Dreams.

If you read the blog post directly after this one, You will see I was in a bit of a bad mood this evening.

But, as we say in my church back home, "God doesn't always come when you call, but He's always right on time."

Today, I got comfort from Timmy, Shaq, Pie, and Cindy. They lifted me from my afternoon funk. But After I got home, I really don't like coming home, the clouds returned.

Wrote on my blog, I love Taiwan but it doesn't love me back. Then I was comforted unknowingly by Joselyn (a Friend in Taichung), Yi-Wen my new friend at church and Ming my friend from school. My mood was better and I was beginning to think I should update my blog before bed. Then the best thing happened....

My Big Sister Marian called. I called her last night because I was sad. She was in the car and stopped at my younger Brother Steve's house so I could talk to him. Yeah!

So today Marian called to check on me and brought reinforcements. I got to talk to my Big Brother Kirk and my Sister-in-Law Theresa!

I LOVE my family! I miss them terribly at times. I appreciate them so much more now that I am in Taiwan and so far away. Families NEED each other. Our family understands that simple but very important principle.

Thanks to everyone who unknowingly through me a life preserver today. But my Big Sister KNEW from 7700 miles away her little brother needed a life preserver today. And she made sure I got it.

The love of and from ones Family is the greatest buoy any of us can hope for on this side of eternity.

And that is pretty darn cool! Sweet Dreams!


iNsIDE cHinO's HeAd said...

I agree completely! Family can be annoying sometimes or most times depending on the family, but I think they know how to practice that "unconditional love."

Where in the World is D? said...

Hey Chino,

It's good to hear from you! Thanks for your comments on the last four posts. Life comes in waves at times. I didn't really notice how that was reflected in my blog until I read your comments.

My blog reveals much more about me than I was aware of. I did make a conscious decision to start sharing more "personally", it looks different than I thought.

I'm glad it resonates with you. And by the way, I do escape into movies and such. It gives my brain the rest it desperately needs at times.