Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tired of Being a Grown Up

Where in the World is D Today?

Wishing he could just pack up and leave.

I love Taiwan, but right now I'm not feeling the love back.

I wanna go home.

I'm not going to because it's not the grown up thing to do. I've been 40 years old since I was 12 so I know to ride out storms. So I'm going to go try to sit in the back of the boat. Somebody tell me when we get there.



iNsIDE cHinO's HeAd said...

I feel you on this. It is different if home is only a few hours away but difficult when home is in a totally different continent! Been there! Still there! Hope you feel better soon. This may not be a practical solution but when I get home sick or am sad, I tend to through myself into other people's lives. If I can't be in their company at the very moment, I'll watch a movie and abandon myself to the plot or story :)

LeoTheLioness said...

This has absolutely nothing to do with your comments, but I keep forgetting to tell you - I LOVE the new profile pic.

And, I'm sending you a cyber hug. :)