Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things I Love

Where in the is D Today?

Trying to find hope in counter arguments.

Last week, while having a REALLY BAD day I listed the things I Hate. Today, is neither a bad or great day. It's just another day in my rather ho-hum life. But I just couldn't live the things I hate hanging out there without a counter weight. So here are some things that I love. Especially on the really bad days.

I LOVE: Laughing, Telling BAD Jokes, Ice Cream, Dancing, HUGS!, Kisses, Movies, Westerns, Action movies with lots of EXPLOSIONS, The way my Head Feels right after I shave, The Warmth of the sun on my skin, Driving with the top down, Fresh Flowers, A Clean House, Naps, Snuggling, Watching a loved one sleep next to me, Being in Love, AH-HA! moments, Hanging out with Tim and Sean, Listening to family tell stories, mowing the lawn, washing the car, exercising, being there for others.


Life As g said...

Funny how your list of things you love, are the same things people would list as things they love about you.... :)


Where in the World is D? said...

Thanks! I never thought about it. As always, I trust observations.