Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Having fun with Stereotypes

Where in the World is D Today?

Lovin the skin he's in!

Have you heard the one about the black guy who gets invited to the Hip-Hop exercise class in Taiwan?! I wish I had pictures! I had just finished a Body Combat class and was pretty tired when this seriously buff Taiwanese guy comes up to me full of energy. He talking but I'm not receiving. He's making gestures and I'm like, "HUH?!" Then Grace a nice lady with pretty good English, and a rockin' bod for a 50 something woman, explains they REALLY REALLY want me to stay for this class. In my fatigued state I mindlessly say, "Why?!" I don't know how you say "DUH!" in Chinese, but the look on her face spoke volumes. And then she suggested I only stayed for the 20 minute warm up. OK, Fine. But you know what everyone was expecting.

And then it happened, every bad dance move from the 90's got put into this warm-up; yes, the Cabbage Patch, Roger Rabbit, and the personal favorite The Running Man were all present and accounted for. And ALL Eyes were on me. They were trying to be cool about it, which I appreciate, but they wanted to "see how it was done", So I pretended I was back in the club and gave them the best I had. Quite honestly, I was not spectacular by any means, but good enough to live up to any stereotype about Black people and hip hop dancing. It was hard to leave the class. Several people wanted me to stay. One guy even tried to block my way. I almost went to another stereotype about Black people when that happened, but I know he meant no harm. He just wanted to include me in the class and be with them. And THAT Ladies and Gentlemen is a very cool feeling.

It is nice to be wanted. And if you don't think about all the possible ramifications or intentions and just let things happen, Life can be pretty darn fun.


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