Thursday, April 30, 2009

Damn Buses! (Caution: This post has VERY BAD words in it)

2009.04.28 Where in the World is D Today?

Thankful that he made it across the street.
(I warn you again; As indicated in the title parts of this has very adult language.)

I know I have mentioned the somewhat daring adventure that is traffic in Taiwan. But after almost getting hit by a BUS, Again! I really am just thankful for making to KFC without having to live my very own version of Frogger. (If you’re old enough you just laughed, if not, trust me, that was a very funny joke.)

I need to throw props out to Jane. Thanks Jane. She is all of 5 feet tall (in pumps) but has a heart as large as Africa. Jane pulled me out of the way of a bus coming up behind me on Saturday. (It was a stealth bus!) But those other Fuckers saw me in the crosswalk and didn’t even slow down a little. One even ran a red light while making a left hand turn. Not a motor bike, or an automobile mind you; A BIG ASS BUS! (Ok, Darryl. Stop. Breathe. Good air in, bad air out.)

One day not too long ago when jumping out of the way for a car that was making a right hand turn and just about ran me down. I thought to myself. Am I fucking invisible? People just run straight through stop signs. Then I made this shocking revelations; with the exception of major intersections with traffic lights, there are NO stop signs in Jhongli. People who just about run me over aren’t being especially rude, there is nothing there to Tell Them to stop and be courteous. There aren’t even yield signs at intersection. And as far as the speed limit is concerned, there is none. Or at least there is none posted. It’s the dang wild west when it comes to traffic.

This will likely be my thoughts on the traffic here, I think I’ve pretty well exhausted this topic unless I figure out a way to do a video. Trust me when I say seeing is believing.

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